The Journey is a Spina Bifida Resource blog created to educate, inspire and encourage families who live with Spina Bifida or are just learning about SB for the first time. It is made up of many contributors and even more followers who seek to share their experiences and support each other in this journey we are on.
Together we are raising awareness.
Together we are sharing hope.
Together we are redefining Spina Bifida.
As so beautifully stated by one of the blogs lead contributors, Kari -
"Our children's diagnosis is not our children's definition. However, with that diagnosis comes new mountains and valleys not every family must tackle. This website is for the mountains that we climb and the valleys that we must continue through. Hopefully this blog will help you reach those moutaintops and give you encouragement through the darkest valleys."
If you are new to The Journey we welcome you!
We encourage you to look around and take time to visit the many family blogs that are listed on the right side of the page.
These remarkable families all share the common bond of love for some incredible children - who just happen to be diagnosed with Spina Bifida.
Support The Journey by adding our special button to your blog!
Copy and paste this code
(usually as a "link" by creating a "gadget"):
<a border="0" href="" target="_blank"><img src=""/></a>
If you are new to The Journey we welcome you!
We encourage you to look around and take time to visit the many family blogs that are listed on the right side of the page.
These remarkable families all share the common bond of love for some incredible children - who just happen to be diagnosed with Spina Bifida.
Support The Journey by adding our special button to your blog!
Copy and paste this code
(usually as a "link" by creating a "gadget"):
<a border="0" href="" target="_blank"><img src=""/></a>