Thursday, April 22, 2010


Just wanted everyone to know we just went


Got a note from a woman from the International Spina Bifida Association the other day. She did a little article on the blog and a button for the sidebar on the International Spina Bifida website. I thought this was super exciting news!!

Honestly, this is mainly thanks to all of you. The ones who read, comment and of course the ones who have linked their personal blogs to ours by adding the button on the side. What a wonderful thing you all have done!!! I have gotten so many thank you from you all, but honestly the thanks truly goes to you. Without having readers and people willing to take the time to link this wouldnt have happened.

If you are sitting there wondering why this is so exciting....Well, lets put it this way.


What a way to get HOPE out there.

So again, thank you..thank you...thank you. And for those of you who havent filled out a featured child questionare please feel free, and for those who havent added the button yet PLEASE do. These are just a few of the ways to continue with our message and help it spread.