Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Valentines day gift for you

   In lieu of Valentines day being just around the corner, I wanted to share with you a song I have recently fallen in love with. The song is sung by a dear friend of mine, Mark Gray.  He and his wonderful wife travel all over the country using song to point people to Christ . Time and time again I have found encouragement in their songs and in their friendship. This particular song "Before you knew how to love me" was released just as I was finding out about my pregnancy. Oh how special it was, because being pregnant, I felt this love. Far before Carson was even born I loved him, and I would give my life, my everything for him, without him even having to know me or know what love is.
    I played this song over and over listening to it, singing along with it... Oh I just loved it. The day after we found out about Carson and his Spina Bifida diagnosis I was on my way to church for soulwinning... my heart was heavy. I wasn't really in the mood, and I wanted to just crawl in a dark corner and stay there ( you all know this feeling ). Well I plugged in my Ipod and the first song that played was none other than "Before you knew how to love me" OH MY--- I immediately skipped to another song, and then within a second just shut it off... I couldn't listen to it... It was too much... I just bawled and bawled. Well a few days passed and I popped my Ipod in again and once again the song played. ~ sidenote~ My ipod is on shuffle so for it to "randomly" play the same song was not "random" at all. I know the Lord wanted me to hear that song...the reason being I actually really listened to the song... the whole song... and this changed everything. I was reminded how good God is, how much he sacrificed for me. You see God loves me, and He loves my little boy. He always has, He always will... It is His love for me that can carry me through anything... anything in this case being... Spina Bifida. Happy Valentines Day everyone. I love you!

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