Sunday, April 4, 2010


Over the last couple of years, we've found that while we still "do" the holidays, they look a little different for us. Where we hide the eggs is much more accessible. Our schedule is much more rigid as we keep to cathing and bowel management programs. Our meals are different as we adjust to allergies.

But, as much as things are different, we find that lots of things remain the same. New Easter dresses complete with matching hats and purses. Baskets filled with goodies. Time spent with family. And playing to the point of exhaustion.

What do you do different? The same? How have you adjusted your holidays to make them most accessible and loads of fun?


Joanna said...

So far (with a 10 month old baby boy) things have been what I've expected. :) He would rather eat the grass and throw the egg. He would rather eat the wrapping paper then play with the toy. All the normal stuff. :) I sometimes worry about future holidays - will he be able to maneuver around enough to participate in the various activities and games at school etc....but for the most part I can't wait to spend those special moments with him! And he's such a happy baby I can't imagine him not laughing and smiling and never once thinking he "can't" do something and have just as much fun as anyone! And for that I am grateful. :)

HennHouse said...

Joanna: We've learned exactly the same thing with Esther-Faith... she will always make her own way and make her own fun! "Can't" to her is really "I dare you."

Colleen said...

We had an Easter Egg hunt at our SBA this year, and we made sure there were plenty of eggs around the sidewalks so those in chairs and walkers could get to them. We also told the older and able bodied kids they needed to help anyone who needed help, but we made sure they all hunted eggs together. It worked out well.

HennHouse said...

Colleen: That sounds like so much fun!! I'm going to pass that idea along to our local SBA president!

The Dugan's said...

We have a local Easter egg hunt close to us, that is sponsored by the county parks and rec. It is for kids with mobility challenges and they attach magnets to the eggs and give the kids somewhat of a 'fishing pole' that also has a magnet, so the kids can pick up the egg from a wheel chair or walker.

junglemama said...

Just found this blog. We adopted a son with SB this past summer so I look forward to reading through your posts as time permits. I still have so many questions. Thanks!

HennHouse said...

Dugans: What a GREAT idea!!!

Christine: We're here to answer anything that we can... Welcome!