Sometimes I am able to quickly send them on there way and other times I give into their reasoning, which most of the time ends up with me eating a bowl or two or three of ice cream or anything else that I can get my hands was Girl Scout Cookies! They showed up at the right moment yesterday...
Last night as I was out on my run for work, the word HOPE kept flooding my mind. I analyzed each letter and found it be a most amazing word. The reality of Spina Bifida is sometimes things are not so wonderful per say. This is what I discovered. I am not sure if I was just overly tired last night or maybe this might make sense to someone else. So....forgive me if I am way out there today.
Here is what I call the dark side of Spina Bifida....
-Heartbreak (when things seem so hard and nothing appears to be going right)
-Ostrich Syndrome (hiding from what you know is happening because you don't think you can handle another diagnosis or appointment or bill or whatever it may be)
-Pacing (because you can't sleep)
-Enough (the point when you really believe that you can't do this!)
Now here is the flip side.....
My point is this.... HOPE is like our personal life-jacket. It keeps you from drowning in the what if's, and coulda, woulda and shoulda's that can weigh so heavily upon us. It is ever present and ready to wrap itself around us. There is safety inside that vest and it takes courage to walk in its light. Maybe instead of eating all that ice cream, I could have found a better way to deal with my moment.
Best Wishes to each of you this week wherever you journey may take you....
Walking in HOPE....
Jill aka...Madilyn's MOM
Thank you! I TOTALY needed this post today as I have struggling with the roller coaster called Spina Bifida the last few few days and have felt like it is beating me! Thanks for the reminder....
Great post...needed it as well. Thanks!
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